Grand public

 ANIMATED WALK ON SYMBIOSIS (meeting point:  Palais des congrès, 14h)  



We are pleased to share with you a Street Science walk on Symbiosis, that you can either enjoy it in the streets of selected French cities, or as a DIY game, anywhere you'd like! The street science is a fruitfull collaboration of several French researchers (full list here) who got together to imagine a fun and creative way of sharing their knowledge on symbiosis to children and adults everywhere. The walk encompasses 14 locations where kids and adults learn about the history of symbiosis, the different species interactions, the benefits of studying partnerships and the global impact of symbiosis research. At each spot, the user can scan the panel and see a custom made 3D image, from Nemo to Viruses! In order to enjoy the walk, please donwload the street science app and have fun!


Below is a glimpse of the "Street Science" app, from left to right, the sponsors and research laboratories involved in the creation of the content, the walk trough the old town of Lyon showing the 14 spots in blue to be explored, an example of a 3D model on the gut microbiota that users can see on their app by scanning one of the spot's panel, the content available at the Microbiota spot, in french, but also available in english soon.


During the french Science fest, in October 2021, researchers provided guided tours of the Street Science walk for schoolchildren and families. You can enjoy the photos below.





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