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ISS 3 Holobiont 10 schedule

25-29 July 2022



Monday 25th 

8h-8h45         Registration



Salle 3000     8h45         Welcome


9h15-10h     One health and the Holobiont

Joël Doré (Homo symbiosus: human-microbes symbiosis in health and disease)


10h-10h45     Symbiosis and reproduction

Irene Newton (Mi casa es su casa: How intracellular symbionts manipulate host biology)


10h45-11h15     Coffee break


11h15-12h55   Selected oral communications. Please refer to the table below.




One health and the Holobiont

Chair: Joël Doré

Co-chair: Marc-André Selosse


Salle 3000


Symbiosis and reproduction

Chair: Irene Newton

Co-chair: Natacha Kremer


Salle Bellecour


M Pilar Francino. An extended reconstruction of human gut microbiota metabolism of dietary compounds

Marie Pollmann. Cytoplasmic incompatibility in Lariophagus distinguendus: a novel phenotype for Spiroplasma. Recipient of the ISS/Moore foundation travel grant


Matthieu Groussin. Evolution of host-gut microbiome interactions in the context of industrialization.

Ron Flateau. Wolbachia endosymbionts of fleas occur in all females but rarely in males and do not show evidence of obligate relationships, fitness effect or sex-distorting manipulation.


Andrew Quinn. Host synthesized organic acids enable colonization of native honey bee gut symbiont

Alice Namias. Loss of cid variants and recombination explain rapid evolution of Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibility


Claire Valiente-Moro. Mosquito sex and mycobiota contribute to fructose metabolism in the Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus

Amelia Lindsey. Microbe-mediated asexuality


Luc Dantan. Protective effect of bacteria isolated from the natural microbiota of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas against OsHV-1 µVar and Vibrio aestuarianus infections.

Hannes Schuler. Population genetic study of a horizontal Wolbachia transmission in action


12h55-14h30     Lunch on your own



Salle 3000     14h30-15h15     Virus interactions in the holobionts

 Forest Rowher (Phage and the Origin of the Immune System)


15h15-16h55                           Selected oral communications and Teaching symbiosis session.



Virus interactions in the holobionts

Chair: Forest Rowher

Co-chair: Rita Rebollo


Salle 3000


Teaching symbiosis session

Marc-André Selosse 


Forum 6


John Burns. Evidence of algal virus gene expression during a salamander-alga symbiosis



Benjamin Guinet. Timing of a viral domestication event in a clade of parasitic wasps









16h55-17h30     Coffee break



Salle 3000     17h30-18h15    Opening conference

Purification Lopez-Garcia (Eukaryogenesis and symbiosis: recent developments)


Tuesday 26th 


Salle 3000     9h-9h45            Immunity and symbiosis

Bruno Lemaître (The foreign within: Drosophila-Spiroplasma interaction as a model of insect endosymbiosis)



9h45-10h30     Plant Holobiont: physiology, defense and applications for


Paola Bonfante (Endobacteria, mycorrhizal fungi, plants: a symbiotic hub)


10h30-11h     Coffee break


11h-12h40       Selected oral communications. Please refer to the table below.




Plant Holobiont: physiology, defense and applications for agriculture

Chair: Paola Bonfante

Co-chair: Zahar Haichar


Salle 3000


Immunity and symbiosis

Chair: Bruno Lemaître

Co-chair: Anna Zaidman-Rémy


Salle Bellecour


Théophile Franzino. How the nature of primary metabolites exuded by plants regulates nitrate and NO reduction by rhizobacteria? Recipient of the ISS/Moore foundation travel grant

Jang Seonghan. Break the barrier: Ingested soil bacteria breach gut epithelia and stimulate humoral and cellular immunity in the bean bug Riptortus pedestris


Patricia Vaz Jauri. Influence of a plant growth promoting Streptomyces albidoflavus on the microbiome of two cultivars of Festuca arundinaceae

Lauren Fuess. Complex associations between immunity and symbiont density in the facultatively symbiotic coral, Astrangia poculata


Gonda Sandor. Interactions of the plant metabolome and the fungal endophyte community: insights from studies in horseradish roots (Armoracia rusticana L., Brassicaceae)

Sofie Burgmer. Epithelial bacterial sensing regulates metabolism in Drosophila


Yuling Yue. Shared transcriptional response in independent lineages of land plants during plant-cyanobacteria symbiosis shed lights on its evolutionary origin

Véronique Gruber. Relationship between immunity and senescence processes in the control of nodule functioning in Medicago


Katharina Pawlowski. Specialized metabolism in the earliest divergent symbiotic Frankia clade linked to its low saprotrophic capabilities

Aya Yokota. Resistance to antimicrobial peptides in Caballeronia insecticola is crucial for the colonization of the Riptortus pedestris intestine


12h40-14h15     Lunch on your own


Salle 3000     14h15-15h     Evolution of mutualistic associations: cooperation, cheating &


Kevin Foster (Competition in bacteria and the human microbiome)


15h-15h45     Photosymbiosis: from lichens to xanthelles and plastids

Fabrice Not (Photosymbiosis in the ocean)


15h45-16h15     Coffee break


16h15-17h55      Selected oral communications. Please refer to the table below.




Evolution of mutualistic associations: cooperation, cheating and competition

Chair: Kevin Foster

Co-chair: Fabrice Vavre


Salle 3000


Photosymbiosis: from lichens to xanthelles and plastids

Chair: Fabrice Not

Co-chair: Marc-André Selosse


Salle Bellecour


Gaëlle Lextrait. Bacterial factors required for the establishment of symbiosis between Riptortus pedestris and Caballeronia insecticola

Doron Pinko. Chloroplast harvesting revealed in invading species expands the evolutionary range of kleptoplasty in foraminifera


Sthandiwe Nomthandazo Kanyile. Cuticle enhancing symbionts for a durable and waterproof armour: how nutritional symbionts enhance protection against natural enemies and desiccation in grain pest beetles.

Caroline Juery. Core and dispensable “transportome” genes in a planktonic photosymbiosis system.


Daniel Wipf. Impact of double symbiosis (arbuscular mycorrhiza and nodulation) on nitrogen uptake in the Papilionoideae

Luca Borgato. High cryptic diversity of lichenized Trentepohliales: phylogenetic and ecological aspects.


Manuel Aranda Lastra. Nutrient competition is the general mechanism underlying the cnidarian-Symbiodiniaceae symbiosis

Julia Gerasimova. High diversity of type I polyketide genes in lichen-forming fungi as revealed by the comparative analysis of 23 lichen genomes


Anna Michalik. The evolution of planthopper symbiotic systems

Marie Leleu. Testing the Chlamydiales footprint in the evolution of Archaeplastida


18h-18h20       Group picture


18h20-21h      Poster session #1 - Wine and cheese


Wednesday 27th 



Salle 3000     9h-9h45            From susceptibility to resilience in global change

Ute Hentschel (Microbial community dynamics in sponge symbioses under stress)


9h45-10h30     Emerging tools and approaches to study symbiosis

Michael Khul (Exploring the microenvironment of aquatic symbiosis)


10h30-11h       Coffee break


11h-12h40       Selected oral communications. Please refer to the table below.




Emerging tools and approaches to study symbiosis

Chair: Michael Khul

Co-chair: Fabrice Not


Salle 3000


From susceptibility to resilience in global change

Chair : Ute Hentschel

Co-chair: Claire Valiente Moro


Salle Bellecour


Johan Decelle. Multimodal subcellular imaging to explore microbial symbiosis at the nanoscale level

Sébastien Duperron. Disruption of fish gut microbiota composition and holobiont's metabolome during cyanobacerial blooms: a case study of microbiome-aware ecotoxicology


Nathan Vannier. Meta-transcriptomic profiling of synthetic microbial communities identifies microbial genes determining root-colonization potential

Débora S. Raposo. Flexible diatom symbiosis in a larger benthic foraminifera along its invasion gradient in the Mediterranean Sea


Baptiste Genot. New imaging and molecular biology tools for amphibian-algae symbiosis studies.

Timothy Swain. Heightened frequency of association with thermotolerant Symbiodiniaceae correlates with bleaching-susceptibility only among vertically transmitting coral species


Stéphanie Barnay-Verdier and Clara Fricano. In vitro Symbiosis System: an innovative approach for deciphering Cnidarian-Dinoflagellate symbiosis set-up

Anne Duplouy. Investigating changes in wildlife associated microbial diversity between natural and disturbed habitats


Thomas Krueger. From lists to function – Spatial proteomics as a tool to map the protein cellular landscape of coral symbionts

Aurélien Vigneron. Symbiosis contribution to Oryzaephilus surinamensis cold resistance


12h40- 14h00     Lunch on your own

14h00-19h30     Free afternoon

  • Wine cellar visit (transfer by bus)
  • Lyon guided tours
  • Scientific mediation for the general public

19h30         Gala Dinner (Palais de la bourse)



Thursday 28th 



Salle 3000     9h-9h45            Invertebrate symbionts: from endosymbiosis to animal farming

Martin Kaltenpoth (Symbiotic microbes as driving forces of evolutionary innovation in leaf beetles)


9h45-10h30     Marine holobionts: from littoral to deep sea

Jillian Petersen (In symbiosis since the Silurian: Ecology and evolution of host-microbe interactions in marine lucinid clams) 


10h30-11h     Coffee break


11h-12h40 Selected oral communications. Please refer to the table below.




Invertebrate symbionts: from endosymbiosis to animal farming

Chair: Martin Kaltenpoth

Co-chair: Anna Zaidman-Rémy


Salle 3000


Marine holobionts: from littoral to deep sea #1

Chair: Jillian Petersen

Co-chair: François Lallier


Salle Bellecour


Elad Chiel. A novel Sodalis sp. symbiont of the parasitic wasp Spalangia cameroni: Acquisition pathways and fitness effects.

David Miller. Inter-kingdom signalling in the coral holobiont


Piotr Lukasik. Abundance as a critical aspect of insect-bacterial symbioses

Guoxin Cui. A sea anemone cell atlas illuminates the molecular mechanisms underlying Darwin's paradox


Ramya Ganesan. Dynamics and molecular mechanisms of colonization in a defensive bacterial symbiont of Lagria villosa beetles

François Lallier. Seasonal variation of chemoautotrophy and heterotrophy in Lucinid bivalves from eelgrass meadows in Brittany


Eva Novakova. Extremely reduced supergroup F Wolbachia: transition to obligate insect symbionts

Victoria Sharp. Assessing the relationship between symbiont identity and host health in the Cassiopea xamachana holobiont. Recipient of the ISS/Moore foundation travel grant


Delaney Miller. Functional diversity of the honey bee antifungal symbiont, Bombella apis

Dolma Michellod. Do it yourself: Symbiotic annelids are dominated by plant sterols they can synthesize de novo


12h40-14h15     Lunch on your own



Salle 3000     14h15-15h     Coevolution in holobionts

Nancy Moran (Analyzing coevolution of symbiotic partners)



15h-15h45     Symbiosis ecology: from ecosystem functioning to ecological


Joel Sachs (Pangenome evolution reconciles robustness and instability of nitrogen fixation symbiosis )


15h45-16h15     Coffee break


16h15-17h55 Selected oral communications. Please refer to the table below.




Coevolution in holobionts

Chair: Jean-Christophe Simon

Co-chair: Laurence Mouton


Salle 3000


Symbiosis ecology: from ecosystem functioning to ecological networks

Chair: Joel Sachs

Co-chair: Marc-André Selosse


Salle Bellecour


Philippe Vandenkoornhuyse. Evaluating the hologenome concept by analyzing the vertically-transmitted and horizontally- acquired fractions of the plant microbiota

Sarah Zauner. A novel symbiosis between lucinid clams and intracellular Shewanella links common marine coastal bivalves with their natural predators, molluscivore shorebirds


Natacha Kremer. Limited evolution of the Drosophila-Wolbachia symbiosis after experimental evolution under oxidative stress and viral infection

Liam Laurent-Webb. Endophytism and ectomycorrhiza, an overlooked dual ecological niche? Inshights from Russula spp.


Ned Ruby: Uncovering the role of nutritional rhythms in the squid-vibrio symbiosis

Marion Lemoine. Gut microbes impact on cold tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster


Michael Ben-Yosef. Reliable symbiont transmission: possible mediation by oviposition behavior in olive flies (Bactrocera oleae)

Rémi Petrolli. Mycorrhizal networks in the epiphytic tropical environment: a case study in epiphytic orchids.


Aileen Berasategui. Secondary metabolites of Escovopsis, a parasite of fungus-farming ants, underlie host-pathogen coevolution

Anton Strunov. How to explain a recent global replacement of wMelCS Wolbachia by wMel strain?


18h-21h     Poster session #2 - Wine and cheese



Friday 29th 


Salle 3000      9h00-9h45       Development & symbiosis

Margaret McFall-Ngai (Early events in the recognition and engagement of a coevolved symbiont: insights from the squid-vibrio association)


                        9h45-10h30     Symbioses for alternative agricultures

Gabriele Berg (Understanding the plant-microbe symbiosis for plant and planetary health)




10h30-11h     Coffee break


11h-12h40       Selected oral communications. Please refer to the table below.




Development & symbiosis

Chair: Margaret McFall-Ngai

Co-chair: Natacha Kremer

Salle 3000


Symbioses for alternative agricultures

Chair: Gabriele Berg

Co-chair: Zahar Haichar


Salle Bellecour


William Burgess. Bacterial diversity in egg capsular fluid of the spotted salamander Ambystoma maculatum decreases with embryonic development

Marina Omacini. Endophytes and mycorrhiza; out of sight, but not out of smell


Maria Cristina Motta. Endosymbiosis in Trypanosomatids: Further Insights into Cell Evolution

Pablo Adrián García-Parisi. Fungal endophytes, rhizobia and mycorrhiza in agroecosystems: interactive implications for the co-provision of ecosystem services


Inès Pons. For the road: Calibrated maternal investment in light of extracellular symbiont transmission

Yehuda Izraeli. Microbial tenants of the parasitoid Anagyrus vladimiri (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), a natural enemy of mealybugs


Monica Medina. Microbial-host codevelopment in the jellyfish Cassiopea xamachana, a model organism for cnidarian photosymbiosis

Maria Dally. The association of symbiotic Rickettsia with omnivorous mirid bugs (Hemiptera)


Mariana Galvão Ferrarini. Unraveling the molecular bases of host-endosymbiont interactions at critical developmental stages

Jie Hu. The neighbourhood effect of weeds on crop root endospheric mycobiota


12h40-14h00     Lunch on your own

14h00-15h40 Selected oral communications. Please refer to the table below.




Marine holobiont #2 / tools #2

Chair: François Lallier



Salle 3000


Invertebrate nutritional symbiosis

Chair: Anna Zaidman-Rémy

Co-chair: Aurélien Vigneron


Salle Bellecour


Margaret A. Vogel. Regulation of Diversity in Marine Host-Associated Bacterial Communities

Emmanuelle Jousselin. Are new nutritional symbionts a source of ecological innovation in aphids di-symbiotic systems?


Ehsan Kayal. Amoebophrya, a zombifying parasite with great appetite

Elisa Dell’Aglio. Endosymbiont dynamics and its effects on weevil host fitness are driven by nutrient availability


Justin Maire. Unveiling interactions between coral photosymbionts (Symbiodiniaceae) and novel Chlamydiae

Yuval Gottlieb. From mutualism to parasitism: on the symbiosis axis in ticks.


Charlotte Lekieffre. Cryo-electron microscopy to study symbiotic associations in marine plankton

Marleny García-Lozano. Origin and molecular evolution of a pectinolytic symbiosis in leaf beetles


Emmanuelle Botte. Symbio-chip: a new microfluidic device to isolate and grow “dark matter microbes” associated with marine sponges.

Michael Middlebrooks. The kleptoplastic sea slug Elysia papillosa preferentially chooses inferior algae for photosynthesis


15h40-16h     Prizes and closing






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