ISS 3 Holobiont 10 schedule
25-29 July 2022
Monday 25th
8h-8h45 Registration
Salle 3000 8h45 Welcome
9h15-10h One health and the Holobiont
Joël Doré (Homo symbiosus: human-microbes symbiosis in health and disease)
10h-10h45 Symbiosis and reproduction
Irene Newton (Mi casa es su casa: How intracellular symbionts manipulate host biology)
10h45-11h15 Coffee break
11h15-12h55 Selected oral communications. Please refer to the table below.
One health and the Holobiont Chair: Joël Doré Co-chair: Marc-André Selosse
Salle 3000 |
Symbiosis and reproduction Chair: Irene Newton Co-chair: Natacha Kremer
Salle Bellecour |
11h15-11h35 |
M Pilar Francino. An extended reconstruction of human gut microbiota metabolism of dietary compounds. |
Marie Pollmann. Cytoplasmic incompatibility in Lariophagus distinguendus: a novel phenotype for Spiroplasma. Recipient of the ISS/Moore foundation travel grant |
11h35-11h55 |
Matthieu Groussin. Evolution of host-gut microbiome interactions in the context of industrialization. |
Ron Flateau. Wolbachia endosymbionts of fleas occur in all females but rarely in males and do not show evidence of obligate relationships, fitness effect or sex-distorting manipulation. |
11h55-12h15 |
Andrew Quinn. Host synthesized organic acids enable colonization of native honey bee gut symbiont |
Alice Namias. Loss of cid variants and recombination explain rapid evolution of Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibility |
12h15-12h35 |
Claire Valiente-Moro. Mosquito sex and mycobiota contribute to fructose metabolism in the Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus |
Amelia Lindsey. Microbe-mediated asexuality |
12h35-12h55 |
Luc Dantan. Protective effect of bacteria isolated from the natural microbiota of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas against OsHV-1 µVar and Vibrio aestuarianus infections. |
Hannes Schuler. Population genetic study of a horizontal Wolbachia transmission in action |
12h55-14h30 Lunch on your own
Salle 3000 14h30-15h15 Virus interactions in the holobionts
Forest Rowher (Phage and the Origin of the Immune System)
15h15-16h55 Selected oral communications and Teaching symbiosis session.
Virus interactions in the holobionts Chair: Forest Rowher Co-chair: Rita Rebollo
Salle 3000 |
Teaching symbiosis session Marc-André Selosse
Forum 6 |
15h15-15h35 |
John Burns. Evidence of algal virus gene expression during a salamander-alga symbiosis |
15h35-15h55 |
Benjamin Guinet. Timing of a viral domestication event in a clade of parasitic wasps |
15h55-16h15 |
16h15-16h35 |
16h35-16h55 |
16h55-17h30 Coffee break
Salle 3000 17h30-18h15 Opening conference
Purification Lopez-Garcia (Eukaryogenesis and symbiosis: recent developments)
Tuesday 26th
Salle 3000 9h-9h45 Immunity and symbiosis
Bruno Lemaître (The foreign within: Drosophila-Spiroplasma interaction as a model of insect endosymbiosis)
9h45-10h30 Plant Holobiont: physiology, defense and applications for
Paola Bonfante (Endobacteria, mycorrhizal fungi, plants: a symbiotic hub)
10h30-11h Coffee break
11h-12h40 Selected oral communications. Please refer to the table below.
Plant Holobiont: physiology, defense and applications for agriculture Chair: Paola Bonfante Co-chair: Zahar Haichar
Salle 3000 |
Immunity and symbiosis Chair: Bruno Lemaître Co-chair: Anna Zaidman-Rémy
Salle Bellecour |
11h00-11h20 |
Théophile Franzino. How the nature of primary metabolites exuded by plants regulates nitrate and NO reduction by rhizobacteria? Recipient of the ISS/Moore foundation travel grant |
Jang Seonghan. Break the barrier: Ingested soil bacteria breach gut epithelia and stimulate humoral and cellular immunity in the bean bug Riptortus pedestris |
11h20-11h40 |
Patricia Vaz Jauri. Influence of a plant growth promoting Streptomyces albidoflavus on the microbiome of two cultivars of Festuca arundinaceae |
Lauren Fuess. Complex associations between immunity and symbiont density in the facultatively symbiotic coral, Astrangia poculata |
11h40-12h00 |
Gonda Sandor. Interactions of the plant metabolome and the fungal endophyte community: insights from studies in horseradish roots (Armoracia rusticana L., Brassicaceae) |
Sofie Burgmer. Epithelial bacterial sensing regulates metabolism in Drosophila |
12h00-12h20 |
Yuling Yue. Shared transcriptional response in independent lineages of land plants during plant-cyanobacteria symbiosis shed lights on its evolutionary origin |
Véronique Gruber. Relationship between immunity and senescence processes in the control of nodule functioning in Medicago |
12h20-12h40 |
Katharina Pawlowski. Specialized metabolism in the earliest divergent symbiotic Frankia clade linked to its low saprotrophic capabilities |
Aya Yokota. Resistance to antimicrobial peptides in Caballeronia insecticola is crucial for the colonization of the Riptortus pedestris intestine |
12h40-14h15 Lunch on your own
Salle 3000 14h15-15h Evolution of mutualistic associations: cooperation, cheating &
Kevin Foster (Competition in bacteria and the human microbiome)
15h-15h45 Photosymbiosis: from lichens to xanthelles and plastids
Fabrice Not (Photosymbiosis in the ocean)
15h45-16h15 Coffee break
16h15-17h55 Selected oral communications. Please refer to the table below.
Evolution of mutualistic associations: cooperation, cheating and competition Chair: Kevin Foster Co-chair: Fabrice Vavre
Salle 3000 |
Photosymbiosis: from lichens to xanthelles and plastids Chair: Fabrice Not Co-chair: Marc-André Selosse
Salle Bellecour |
16h15-16h35 |
Gaëlle Lextrait. Bacterial factors required for the establishment of symbiosis between Riptortus pedestris and Caballeronia insecticola |
Doron Pinko. Chloroplast harvesting revealed in invading species expands the evolutionary range of kleptoplasty in foraminifera |
16h35-16h55 |
Sthandiwe Nomthandazo Kanyile. Cuticle enhancing symbionts for a durable and waterproof armour: how nutritional symbionts enhance protection against natural enemies and desiccation in grain pest beetles. |
Caroline Juery. Core and dispensable “transportome” genes in a planktonic photosymbiosis system. |
16h55-17h15 |
Daniel Wipf. Impact of double symbiosis (arbuscular mycorrhiza and nodulation) on nitrogen uptake in the Papilionoideae |
Luca Borgato. High cryptic diversity of lichenized Trentepohliales: phylogenetic and ecological aspects. |
17h15-17h35 |
Manuel Aranda Lastra. Nutrient competition is the general mechanism underlying the cnidarian-Symbiodiniaceae symbiosis |
Julia Gerasimova. High diversity of type I polyketide genes in lichen-forming fungi as revealed by the comparative analysis of 23 lichen genomes |
17h35-17h55 |
Anna Michalik. The evolution of planthopper symbiotic systems |
Marie Leleu. Testing the Chlamydiales footprint in the evolution of Archaeplastida |
18h-18h20 Group picture
18h20-21h Poster session #1 - Wine and cheese
Wednesday 27th
Salle 3000 9h-9h45 From susceptibility to resilience in global change
Ute Hentschel (Microbial community dynamics in sponge symbioses under stress)
9h45-10h30 Emerging tools and approaches to study symbiosis
Michael Khul (Exploring the microenvironment of aquatic symbiosis)
10h30-11h Coffee break
11h-12h40 Selected oral communications. Please refer to the table below.
Emerging tools and approaches to study symbiosis Chair: Michael Khul Co-chair: Fabrice Not
Salle 3000 |
From susceptibility to resilience in global change Chair : Ute Hentschel Co-chair: Claire Valiente Moro
Salle Bellecour |
11h00-11h20 |
Johan Decelle. Multimodal subcellular imaging to explore microbial symbiosis at the nanoscale level |
Sébastien Duperron. Disruption of fish gut microbiota composition and holobiont's metabolome during cyanobacerial blooms: a case study of microbiome-aware ecotoxicology |
11h20-11h40 |
Nathan Vannier. Meta-transcriptomic profiling of synthetic microbial communities identifies microbial genes determining root-colonization potential |
Débora S. Raposo. Flexible diatom symbiosis in a larger benthic foraminifera along its invasion gradient in the Mediterranean Sea |
11h40-12h00 |
Baptiste Genot. New imaging and molecular biology tools for amphibian-algae symbiosis studies. |
Timothy Swain. Heightened frequency of association with thermotolerant Symbiodiniaceae correlates with bleaching-susceptibility only among vertically transmitting coral species |
12h00-12h20 |
Stéphanie Barnay-Verdier and Clara Fricano. In vitro Symbiosis System: an innovative approach for deciphering Cnidarian-Dinoflagellate symbiosis set-up |
Anne Duplouy. Investigating changes in wildlife associated microbial diversity between natural and disturbed habitats |
12h20-12h40 |
Thomas Krueger. From lists to function – Spatial proteomics as a tool to map the protein cellular landscape of coral symbionts |
Aurélien Vigneron. Symbiosis contribution to Oryzaephilus surinamensis cold resistance |
12h40- 14h00 Lunch on your own
14h00-19h30 Free afternoon
19h30 Gala Dinner (Palais de la bourse)
Thursday 28th
Salle 3000 9h-9h45 Invertebrate symbionts: from endosymbiosis to animal farming
Martin Kaltenpoth (Symbiotic microbes as driving forces of evolutionary innovation in leaf beetles)
9h45-10h30 Marine holobionts: from littoral to deep sea
Jillian Petersen (In symbiosis since the Silurian: Ecology and evolution of host-microbe interactions in marine lucinid clams)
10h30-11h Coffee break
11h-12h40 Selected oral communications. Please refer to the table below.
Invertebrate symbionts: from endosymbiosis to animal farming Chair: Martin Kaltenpoth Co-chair: Anna Zaidman-Rémy
Salle 3000 |
Marine holobionts: from littoral to deep sea #1 Chair: Jillian Petersen Co-chair: François Lallier
Salle Bellecour |
11h00-11h20 |
Elad Chiel. A novel Sodalis sp. symbiont of the parasitic wasp Spalangia cameroni: Acquisition pathways and fitness effects. |
David Miller. Inter-kingdom signalling in the coral holobiont |
11h20-11h40 |
Piotr Lukasik. Abundance as a critical aspect of insect-bacterial symbioses |
Guoxin Cui. A sea anemone cell atlas illuminates the molecular mechanisms underlying Darwin's paradox |
11h40-12h00 |
Ramya Ganesan. Dynamics and molecular mechanisms of colonization in a defensive bacterial symbiont of Lagria villosa beetles |
François Lallier. Seasonal variation of chemoautotrophy and heterotrophy in Lucinid bivalves from eelgrass meadows in Brittany |
12h00-12h20 |
Eva Novakova. Extremely reduced supergroup F Wolbachia: transition to obligate insect symbionts |
Victoria Sharp. Assessing the relationship between symbiont identity and host health in the Cassiopea xamachana holobiont. Recipient of the ISS/Moore foundation travel grant |
12h20-12h40 |
Delaney Miller. Functional diversity of the honey bee antifungal symbiont, Bombella apis |
Dolma Michellod. Do it yourself: Symbiotic annelids are dominated by plant sterols they can synthesize de novo |
12h40-14h15 Lunch on your own
Salle 3000 14h15-15h Coevolution in holobionts
Nancy Moran (Analyzing coevolution of symbiotic partners)
15h-15h45 Symbiosis ecology: from ecosystem functioning to ecological
Joel Sachs (Pangenome evolution reconciles robustness and instability of nitrogen fixation symbiosis )
15h45-16h15 Coffee break
16h15-17h55 Selected oral communications. Please refer to the table below.
Coevolution in holobionts Chair: Jean-Christophe Simon Co-chair: Laurence Mouton
Salle 3000 |
Symbiosis ecology: from ecosystem functioning to ecological networks Chair: Joel Sachs Co-chair: Marc-André Selosse
Salle Bellecour |
16h15-16h35 |
Philippe Vandenkoornhuyse. Evaluating the hologenome concept by analyzing the vertically-transmitted and horizontally- acquired fractions of the plant microbiota |
Sarah Zauner. A novel symbiosis between lucinid clams and intracellular Shewanella links common marine coastal bivalves with their natural predators, molluscivore shorebirds |
16h35-16h55 |
Natacha Kremer. Limited evolution of the Drosophila-Wolbachia symbiosis after experimental evolution under oxidative stress and viral infection |
Liam Laurent-Webb. Endophytism and ectomycorrhiza, an overlooked dual ecological niche? Inshights from Russula spp. |
16h55-17h15 |
Ned Ruby: Uncovering the role of nutritional rhythms in the squid-vibrio symbiosis |
Marion Lemoine. Gut microbes impact on cold tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster |
17h15-17h35 |
Michael Ben-Yosef. Reliable symbiont transmission: possible mediation by oviposition behavior in olive flies (Bactrocera oleae) |
Rémi Petrolli. Mycorrhizal networks in the epiphytic tropical environment: a case study in epiphytic orchids. |
17h35-17h55 |
Aileen Berasategui. Secondary metabolites of Escovopsis, a parasite of fungus-farming ants, underlie host-pathogen coevolution |
Anton Strunov. How to explain a recent global replacement of wMelCS Wolbachia by wMel strain? |
18h-21h Poster session #2 - Wine and cheese
Friday 29th
Salle 3000 9h00-9h45 Development & symbiosis
Margaret McFall-Ngai (Early events in the recognition and engagement of a coevolved symbiont: insights from the squid-vibrio association)
9h45-10h30 Symbioses for alternative agricultures
Gabriele Berg (Understanding the plant-microbe symbiosis for plant and planetary health)
10h30-11h Coffee break
11h-12h40 Selected oral communications. Please refer to the table below.
Development & symbiosis Chair: Margaret McFall-Ngai Co-chair: Natacha Kremer Salle 3000 |
Symbioses for alternative agricultures Chair: Gabriele Berg Co-chair: Zahar Haichar
Salle Bellecour |
11h00-11h20 |
William Burgess. Bacterial diversity in egg capsular fluid of the spotted salamander Ambystoma maculatum decreases with embryonic development |
Marina Omacini. Endophytes and mycorrhiza; out of sight, but not out of smell |
11h20-11h40 |
Maria Cristina Motta. Endosymbiosis in Trypanosomatids: Further Insights into Cell Evolution |
Pablo Adrián García-Parisi. Fungal endophytes, rhizobia and mycorrhiza in agroecosystems: interactive implications for the co-provision of ecosystem services |
11h40-12h00 |
Inès Pons. For the road: Calibrated maternal investment in light of extracellular symbiont transmission |
Yehuda Izraeli. Microbial tenants of the parasitoid Anagyrus vladimiri (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), a natural enemy of mealybugs |
12h00-12h20 |
Monica Medina. Microbial-host codevelopment in the jellyfish Cassiopea xamachana, a model organism for cnidarian photosymbiosis |
Maria Dally. The association of symbiotic Rickettsia with omnivorous mirid bugs (Hemiptera) |
12h20-12h40 |
Mariana Galvão Ferrarini. Unraveling the molecular bases of host-endosymbiont interactions at critical developmental stages |
Jie Hu. The neighbourhood effect of weeds on crop root endospheric mycobiota |
12h40-14h00 Lunch on your own
14h00-15h40 Selected oral communications. Please refer to the table below.
Marine holobiont #2 / tools #2 Chair: François Lallier Co-chair:
Salle 3000 |
Invertebrate nutritional symbiosis Chair: Anna Zaidman-Rémy Co-chair: Aurélien Vigneron
Salle Bellecour |
14h00-14h20 |
Margaret A. Vogel. Regulation of Diversity in Marine Host-Associated Bacterial Communities |
Emmanuelle Jousselin. Are new nutritional symbionts a source of ecological innovation in aphids di-symbiotic systems? |
14h20-14h40 |
Ehsan Kayal. Amoebophrya, a zombifying parasite with great appetite |
Elisa Dell’Aglio. Endosymbiont dynamics and its effects on weevil host fitness are driven by nutrient availability |
14h40-15h00 |
Justin Maire. Unveiling interactions between coral photosymbionts (Symbiodiniaceae) and novel Chlamydiae |
Yuval Gottlieb. From mutualism to parasitism: on the symbiosis axis in ticks. |
15h00-15h20 |
Charlotte Lekieffre. Cryo-electron microscopy to study symbiotic associations in marine plankton |
Marleny García-Lozano. Origin and molecular evolution of a pectinolytic symbiosis in leaf beetles |
15h20-15h40 |
Emmanuelle Botte. Symbio-chip: a new microfluidic device to isolate and grow “dark matter microbes” associated with marine sponges. |
Michael Middlebrooks. The kleptoplastic sea slug Elysia papillosa preferentially chooses inferior algae for photosynthesis |
15h40-16h Prizes and closing
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