Registration > Registration

Registration includes the Gala dinner, two wine and cheese poster sessions, and the social events, however lunches, dinner and accommodation are at the discretion of the participant. If you need a letter of invitation in order to arrange travel, please contact us at . International Symbiosis Society members have a discounted rate, and you can become a member on the ISS website. Be aware, we will verify membership status in conjunction with the ISS. Early bird registration ends May 15th ! Please check the Terms and Conditions for other informations, including cancellation. Student registration rates are only available to undergraduate and graduate students who have not yet received their Ph.D. Post-docs may not register as students.



 Succinct cancellation police

Due to the ongoing pandemic, uncertainty remains on cross-country travels and large events. We have devised a reimbursement police (check the full cancellation and other conditions here).

  • If the conference is canceled, the registration fee is reimbursed minus 20 € of management fees
  • If the attendent is incapable of travelling due to an official interdiction, the registraton fee is reimbursed minus 50 € of management fees to cover the ongoing conference cost


Registration can be done at our external siteAbstract submission will be opened until May 15th. You can submit either a poster or an oral presentation. Please take a look at the sessions in order to chose in which one your abstract should be submitted to. Selected abstracts will be informed during the first week of June (after the early bird deadline), along with guidelines for poster and oral presentations. In order to submit your abstract, you need to create an account at SciencesConf by clicking at the "login" button at the top right corner of this website, and chose create an account. Be aware, the "ecolloque" login you received after "Registration" at our external site is not the SciencesConf one. Please go to Submit an Abstract once you have an account created.

We had many emails about login problems to the sciencesconf website. Here is the catch: the login should not have spaces or accents and should not be your email. Thank you.

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