Registration > Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions


The 2022 ISS 10 Holobiont 3 conference is planned for July 25th to 29th 2022 (see for more information). The information known to date on the conditions under which the Covid-19 coronavirus epidemic may be spread, in terms of both the risks of viral contamination and the pandemic’s geographical spread, does not justify the cancellation of events to be held in France. We are taking every appropriate step to ensure the health security of those attending our events. Safeguarding the health of people taking part in our events is a priority. We are acting in compliance with the recommendations and measures established by the competent French authorities. Your contact person within our team remains on hand to answer any questions.

These Terms and Conditions are valid to any person registered for the 2022 ISS10Holo3 conference. The latter reserves the right to make any modification to the said terms and conditions. Any registration for the in-person and/or digital conference implies the unreserved acceptance, and in their entirety, of these Terms and Conditions. ISS10Holo3 expressly reserves the right to unilaterally modify the Terms and Conditions at any time if circumstances so require and/or in the interest of the conference.


Article 1 – Registration and confirmation.

Registration is carried out exclusively online, and validated upon receipt of the corresponding payment. ISS10Holo3 will send you an email with confirmation of your order to the address you mentioned when placing your order.


Article 2 – Right of withdrawal

The conference attendee has a period of 7 days to exercise his right of withdrawal, without having to justify reasons or pay penalties, with the exception of management costs (€20 including tax).


Article 3 – Complaint

Any complaint must be the subject of an e-mail, addressed to


Article 4 – Payment

You can pay for your registration online by credit card, purchase order or bank transfer.

4.1. The prices for participation in the conference are indicated in euros net of tax.

4.2. The price list is available online, before registration.

4.3. All orders, whatever their origin, are payable in euros.

4.4. Student registration rates are only available to undergraduate and graduate students who have not yet received their Ph.D. Post-docs may not register as students.

4.5. All Students must present a valid student photo identification that includes an ID number and “Valid Thru” date.


Article 5 . Invitation letter

To receive an invitation letter, the participant must contact the conference service. The document will be sent after receipt of the full registration and corresponding payment. The invitation letter does not in any way obligate the organizers financially. All expenses incurred in connection with the conference are the responsibility of the participant.


Article 6. VISA

Each participant is required to personally take steps to obtain a visa. Participants who require an entry visa should allow sufficient time for the application process and contact the embassy or consulate of their place of residence to determine the appropriate time for their visa application. The organizers will not directly contact the embassies or consulates on behalf of the participants.


Article 7 – Availability

7.1. Depending on the government measures taken in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the organizer may decide to limit the number of registrations for the conference and to set limits by category of participants.

7.2. ISS10Holo3 reserves the right to refuse entry to the Congress if the initially planned reception capacities are exceeded. In this case, the registration fees will be fully refunded, with the exception, where applicable, of management fees (€20 including tax).


Article 8 – Modification and cancellation

8.1 In the event of a lock-down or closing imposed by the government in the context of COVID-19, we will reimburse the registration fees, with the exception of management fees (20€ including tax) .

8.2. No other modifications will be granted, except the cancellation concerning an impossibility to travel linked to an official travel ban. Any cancellation of registration must be notified in writing (by email) to ISS10Holo3. The cancellation request will only be definitively processed once the congress is over. In this case, registration fees will be refunded, with the exception of administrative costs (€50 including tax).

8.3. ISS10Holo3 cannot be held responsible for external events of political, social, transport, economic, public health or other events beyond their control. Therefore registration fees will  not be refunded in the cases mentioned above. Given the global health situation, ISS10Holo3 reserves the right to postpone to a later date or to transform the conference into a virtual event, without any change in price.

8.4. In the event of non-presentation and non-notification to ISS10Holo3, no refund will be granted.

8.5. In the event of non-payment of the sums due at the time of cancellation, these costs would remain due.

8.6 If you cancel your participation because of the health situation, but no official lock-down measure is imposed by the government, and we are able to welcome you and honor the services, the amount paid will be retained, non-refundable.

8.7 Any reimbursements will be made after the congress, with deduction of the sums spent or committed for the realization and organization of the said management fees (20€ including tax in the event of cancellation of the congress, 50€ including tax in the event of cancellation within the framework of a governmental action on your part).

8.8 No request for reimbursement can be accepted after the congress.


Article 9 – Accommodation

ISS10Holo3 offers on the conference website, and for information purposes, a list of hotels and accommodation for participants. However, the participants' organization and conditions of lodging are not the responsibility of ISS10Holo3. ISS10Holo3 can in no way be held responsible for the cancellation fees withheld for accommodation if the attendee cancels his presence at the conference.


Article 10 - Compliance with the rules of the event

By registering, the applicant or the delegate undertakes to comply with all the regulations applicable in the place where the conference is taking place, as well as with all the directives and instructions of the organizers. Any violation of the said regulations may result in the exclusion of the offending participant, and this 1) at the sole will of the organization, even without formal notice, and 2) without reimbursement of the amount paid for his participation or any amount paid by the participant.

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